Сила в синтетике
масла и антифризы Sintec
Фольксваген даёт добро 15.09.2009

Фольксваген даёт добро

10 февраля в Вольфсбурге (Германия) был получен допуск компании Фольксваген на применение семейства антифризов Sintec в автомобилях VW, Skoda, Seat.

         После испытаний и проверок, длившихся около года, немецкий гигант дал положительное заключение на всю линейку антифризов. Говоря проще, Фольксваген доверяет качеству Sintec!

The news of
the Obninskorgsintez company

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The Third Season of “Sintec Professional Show” Has Completed!
01.10.2014 The Third Season of “Sintec Professional Show” Has Completed!

On October 1, 2014, the third season of “Sintec Professional Show” has completed, which is a joint super project of Obninskorgsintez Company and “Radio Chanson”!

Company "Obninskorgsintez" took part in the international exhibition ”Automechanika” in Frankfurt
24.09.2014 Company "Obninskorgsintez" took part in the international exhibition ”Automechanika” in Frankfurt

The company "Obninskorgsintez" took part in the international exhibition “Automechanika” in Frankfurt. The exhibition was held from 16 to 20 of September, at Messe Frankfurt exhibition center, where our company has successfully introduced its brands.

The third season "Sintec professional show"
19.09.2014 The third season "Sintec professional show"

Over the last two and a half decades, in our country was formed "The Great way of the  haul": thousands of cars were moved from the city of Vladivostok to the western regions of Russia. Basically they are right-hand drive "Japanese".

The company "Obninskorgsintez" took part in the 10th international exhibition "InterAuto"
19.09.2014 The company "Obninskorgsintez" took part in the 10th international exhibition "InterAuto"

Traditionally, the end of August in the IEC "Crocus Expo" have been brought together leading companies in the industry, in order to present the latest achievements and novelties of the automotive industry. More than 700 companies from 30 regions of Russia and from 19 countries has presented automotive parts, engines, spare parts, car electronics and electric technologies, automotive chemicals, garage service equipment, special tools, car care materials etc.

"Sintek Professional Show" in the rally from Moscow to Sochi!
05.06.2014 "Sintek Professional Show" in the rally from Moscow to Sochi!

June 2, 2014 has started the second season of "Syntek Professional Show" on "Radio Chanson"!

Flagship of the Russian car industry – AvtoVAZ has chosen again SINTEC antifreeze
24.02.2014 Flagship of the Russian car industry – AvtoVAZ has chosen again SINTEC antifreeze

For several years, SINTEC LUX liquid coolant is used as the first pouring on new LADA cars.

SINTOIL Motor Oil in MAN vehicles
24.02.2014 SINTOIL Motor Oil in MAN vehicles

The Company "Obninskorgsintez" has received the approval (approval standard M 3275-1) on the use of motor oil “SINTOIL Truck SAE 15W-40” in the MAN vehicles.

AQUA-THERM Moscow 2014
11.02.2014 AQUA-THERM Moscow 2014

The company "Obninskorgsintez" has presented heat-transfer agents and cool-transfer agents of its own brand “Thermagent” at the 18th International Exhibition “AQUA-THERM Moscow 2014”, which was held from 4 to 7 February 2014 in IEC "Crocus Expo". The exhibition “AQUA-THERM Moscow” is the leading event in Eastern Europe in the industry of heating, air conditioning, ventilation, water supply systems and sanitation needs, equipment for pools, saunas and spa.

 SINTOIL ATF II D transmission oil is used at OAO MAZ
13.12.2013 SINTOIL ATF II D transmission oil is used at OAO MAZ

Since November 2013, SINTOIL ATF II D transmission oil manufactured by Obninskorgsintez is used at OAO MAZ for bus machinery’s automatic transmission filling.

Obninskorgsintez cooling fluid supplies to KAMAZ
19.11.2013 Obninskorgsintez cooling fluid supplies to KAMAZ

KAMAZ Company has extended the existing supply contract for ZAO Obninskorgsintez products up to the end of 2014.

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Show news only

Press about us
and about our products

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07.09.2006 Максимальное качество при минимальной цене

Автомагазин (Юг России) №8(36)

01.11.2003 "За рулем" №-11 2003 год.

В ноябрьском номере журнала За рулем

01.07.2003 Выпуск нового вида продукции!

Расширение ассортимента

01.02.2003 Событие года

Победа на конкурсе

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Show press-releases only


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PEUGEOT Foodtruck: французский бренд представляет бистро на колесах
06.04.2015 PEUGEOT Foodtruck: французский бренд представляет бистро на колесах

Компания PEUGEOT представила свой первый продуктовый фургон

АВТОВАЗ: продажи LADA превысили 20% рынка
06.04.2015 АВТОВАЗ: продажи LADA превысили 20% рынка

По предварительным данным в марте 2015 года доля рынка LADA в продажах на российском рынке превысила 20%.

АВТОТОР запускает новое оборудование.
02.04.2015 АВТОТОР запускает новое оборудование.

Новое высокотехнологичное оборудование начало работу в сварочном производстве завода АВТОТОР.

Концерн Volkswagen увеличил объём продаж на 0,7 процента в январе 2015 года.
01.04.2015 Концерн Volkswagen увеличил объём продаж на 0,7 процента в январе 2015 года.

Концерн Volkswagen начинает 2015 год с увеличения поставок на 0,7 процента.

Дракон украсил фасад шоу-рума PEUGEOT Avenue в Париже
Дракон украсил фасад шоу-рума PEUGEOT Avenue в Париже

PEUGEOT запустил рекламный ролик Magnetic Energy на гигантском экране, которым служит фасад бренд-бутика Peugeot Avenue в Париже.

Газовый МАЗ признан лучшим городским автобусом
Газовый МАЗ признан лучшим городским автобусом

C 12 по 15 мая в Коломне прошел VIII Международный автотранспортный фестиваль «Мир автобусов».

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