Obninskorgsintez Company takes leading positions in the Russian market of antifreezes, motor oils, lubricants and other automobile special liquids. Antifreezes and motor oils SINTEC are well-known and demanded in Russia, the CIS, and the countries near and far abroad.
High quality of production is the result of 25 years work of specialists of the company on formulas and technologies improvement. Usage of the latest science achievements and innovations developments in production for getting high quality production is provided by ownership of independent research laboratory (accreditation certificate # ROCC.RU 001.21 NT 470) in the production, which is equipped with modern analytical equipment including benches for corrosive effect on metals test (GOST 28084) and dual-profile circulation bench for antifreezes cavitation corrosion determination (ASTM D 2570).
Products of Obninskorgsintez Company has approvals of plants such as VOLKSWAGEN, MAN, VOLVO, AUDI, SEAT, SKODA, BENTLEY, VAZ, KAMAZ, YAMZ, Tutaevsky motor plant and has repeatedly taken high positions in ratings of leading automobile magazines «At the wheel», "Avtoreview" and others.
(More detailed information see Section “Approvals and Certificates”)
The enterprise has high production standards that are conformed by various conformance certificates:
Quality management system corresponds to international standards requirements ISО 9001:2015 and IATF 16949:2016.
Environmental management system corresponds to the requirements of ГОСТ Р ИСО 14001-2016.
Occupational safety and health management systems – OHSAS 18001:2007 ILO-OSH 2001 Standard.
At the disposal of Obninskorgsintez Company there is the most up-to-date analytical and production equipment, including 15 stands for corrosion and cavitation tests that provide strict quality control of production at each production phase.
The Chief technologist department of our enterprise closely cooperates with The 25th State Research Institute of chemmotology of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and Scientific and Research Institute of Motor Transport that allows to use the latest scientific development for improvement of quality, durability, ecological characteristics of our products.
Existence of the accredited research laboratory allows to introduce advanced technologies in production in good time. Today we are the only company in Russia which produces a product of new generation – antifreeze «SINTEC UNLIMITED G12 ++» of the unlimited life cycle.
For 25 years of active work Obninskorgsintez Company has created an extensive distribution network consisting of more than 130 representations on the territory of Russia, the countries near and far abroad.
Geography of service of Obninskorgsintez covers all the largest regions of Russia: Western Siberia, Southern and Central Russia, Eastern Siberia and Far East. The marketing network of the company also covers a number of the countries near and far abroad, including Kazakhstan, Belarus, Bulgaria, Mongolia, Romania, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Moldova, Lithuania, Ukraine, Turkmenistan and Armenia.
One of strategic goals of our company is further expansion of geography of product distribution.
The team of Obninskorgsintez amounts to more than 600 people who daily combine the efforts and talent to provide the company with the advanced positions in the market.
Our employees are experts and professionals in their fields, focused on the result and are guided by principles of solidarity and mutual respect.
Our team is united by common interests and values, aiming to the general result, and constant successes and achievements of the company keep inspiring our employees to conquest the new tops.
Obninskorgsintez Company has been successfully and progressively working in the market of auto chemical goods and motor oils since 1999. We are a highly effective, dynamic company uniting professionals in the field of production, sale and technologies, and became the example of stability and reliability in the eyes of our clients long ago.
For 25 years of work Obninskorgsintez Company has proven to be a reliable partner in business meeting the demands of even the most exacting consumers.
For our partners we offer a number of favorable terms of cooperation: special dealer prices, flexible system of discounts and delays, providing with souvenir products with our company logos. The branching mechanism of products promotion is also provided: carrying out advertizing campaigns, trainings for sellers, brand managers support.
The market of auto chemistry and motor oils is rapidly developing – and we are growing together with it. That is why we are always ready for new cooperation!